The review is published quarterly and includes articles submitted for inclusion and abstracts of articles published elsewhere and working papers that fit with the theme of that particular issue. Each issue tackles a particular topic, from a thematic approach.
If you are interested in submitting an article for The Calhoun Review simply email us at Please ensure your article is sourced with a bibliography and endnotes/footnotes.
The Calhoun Institute and Review Publications
Abstract: America is more divided culturally and politically than at any time since the 1850’s. Real and authentic dialogue does not occur and violence and the threat of violence increase daily. We are on a precarious path with potentially dangerous outcomes. (PDF version)
The Calhoun Review, Issue 1, Volume I, 2016 – Secession and Devolution in Contemporary Geopolitical Theory
Abstract: In this inaugural issue of The Calhoun Review we examine the topic of secession, particularly as it applies to contemporary political discussions in the US and internationally. In the standard narrative of US history, particularly as told over the last 30-40 years, Calhoun was the godfather of secession which leads to a war and was proven a flawed and illegitimate concept.
The thematic topic this quarter squares nicely with our recently published The Annotated Secessionist Papers and adds the perspective of an international contemporary view of the subject.
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