Book: The Annotated Secessionist Papers

Publication date 2018

Abstract: Why should we talk about secession? Few people that believe secession is a legitimate political theory, right and recourse also believe that in a practical sense it is achievable, reasonable or even preferable. Devolution is a complicated matter and requires a more or less united political will among a people within a region or area – within the confines of modern America it seems unlikely any such will of a sufficient majority will soon emerge, anywhere. The question thus remains, why even discuss the subject?

It is important to honestly discuss the matter because it goes to the very heart of how the Union of States was formed, what the Constitution was to mean and what relation the central government was to have to the people. Many of our contemporary political problems stem directly from a failure to understand foundational principles. Perhaps in engendering more honest discussions about foundational principles we might actually see contemporary problems more correctly.
ISBN: 9781310188398
Available on Kindle at Amazon
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Mike5.0 out of 5 starsNice collection of writings on a controversial subjectJanuary 21, 2017Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

A nice collection of short, understandable essays, in some ways reminiscent of the Federalist/ Anti-Federalist papers, on the topic of secession. Most folks probably don’t realize that during/ just after the war of 1812, less than 50 years from the signing of our current Constitution, some of the North East states were talking openly about secession and no one in political power was discussing the use of force to keep them in the Union. Again, many are probably not aware of the fact that Vermont has had an active secession movement since approximately the ’70’s. Until California brought it up after the recent elections, the ONLY concept of secession most Americans have is of the South preceding the Civil War and at that it is a very narrow, simplified concept when in fact it was far more complex and stirring for a much longer period of time than they realize. This current book looks at the legal and historical perspectives for secession and whether secession may be a resort in the future. You owe it to yourself, if you are a thinking citizen, to at least read it and then evaluate it yourself.4 people found this helpful

CommentReport abusephilip5.0 out of 5 starsSucesh and Proud of it!May 2, 2017Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

For the uninformed which includes most college professors and their students, this is an eye-opener. An important work that explains just what our country is and that we are a nation of commonwealths and republics creating a union. All power comes from the base of the states and not the federal government. This is often called subsidiarity which is the real basis of social justice. More importantly, the author outlines American political history and relates how these historic nodes lead our nation to War Between the States; where the dialog for peace was blanketed and smothered by northern nationalism. The clarity of two societies is made clear as crystal. The impact made obvious of who was right in this unfortunate war that should never have happened. 3 people found this helpful

CMW-Tzvi5.0 out of 5 starsImportant Information for Those who are Intrigued by Secession December 23, 2018Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase

For those who are intent on secession activism or even those only interested historically or philosophically , whether from an academic point of view or even those looking to join a secessionist organization, this is your handbook on the subject! The only other sourcebook I can recommend is Greg Loren Durand’s “America’s Caesar”, a 2 volume book covering the true philosophy of the Confederate States of America vs. Mr. L’s philosophy (as well as how subsequent politicians, as well as Presidents, pushed the U. S. further away from the plain meaning of the Constitution).

This being a broad subject, & aiming to be the “go to” source on the subject, it was apparently felt that a variety of informative articles was the best format to use. Consequently, you will find educational articles by such writers as: Maj. Barry Lee Clark (Ret.), Brian McCandliss, Michael Pierce, Dr. Walter E. Block, Dr. Thomas E. Woods Jr., Dr. Kevin L. Clauson, Kirkpatrick Sale, Dr. Forrest McDonald, Gene H. Kizer, Jr., Dr. Thomas J. DiLorenzo, & Dr. Donald W. Livingston (as well as several articles by one or more authors identified as El Cid (an anonymous blogger). Many of you will be familiar with at least some of these authors, so you will know what a high quality of work is available in this book.

If this looks like a work you will want, get it now. This book is 102 pages long, including a 7 – page Bibliography. The information contained in the book is published “not for profit” under the Fair Use Doctrine. The editor is Maj. Barry Lee Clark (Ret.), who “edited each original work to include additional footnotes that may expand and further illuminate the points made.” The credentials are provided after the Introduction for each identified contributor.